Ammonites fossil shell remains of
The correct Answer is:B
Ammonoids are an extinct group of marine mollusc animals in the subclass Ammonoidea of the class cephalopoda. These molluscs are more closely related to living coleoids than they are to shelled nautilus species
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Knowledge Check
Aare the remains and traces of past life.Bcan be dated absolutely according to their location in strata.Care usually found embedded in sedimentary rock.Dhave been found for all types of animals except humans.Fossils are remnants of :
Adead organismsBextinct organismsCconnecting linksDpresent organismsFossils are the remains of
Ahard part of life forms found in rocksBlight part of life forms found in rocksCprotein and bones of life forms found in rocksDfat and protein of life forms found in rocks
Refer to the given statements and select the correct ones.
(i) Fossils are remains of hard parts of life forms in rocks.
(ii) Dinosaurs disappeared about 65 mya.
(iii) Animals called lobe fins evolved into reptiles.
(iv) Study of fossils is called palaentology.
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View SolutionRefer the given statements and select the correct one
(i) Fossils are remains of hard parts of life forms in Rocks
(ii) A study of fossils in different sedimentary layers indicates the geological period in which they live .
(iii) Radio isotopen are often used to determine the age of the fossils
(iv) Study of fossils is called paleontology
View SolutionAssertion (A): Fossils are remains of dead organisms.
Reason (R): It is helpful in study of evolution .
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