Consider the following statement with respect to reproduction in the lower living organisms
A. Organismis like yeast and Planaria reproduce asexually by means of budding
B. True regeneration is observed in Hydra
C. The protonema of mosses multiply by fragmentation
D. In the unicellular organisms like bacteria algae and Amoeba, reproduction is synonymous with growth i.e increase in number of cells of the above statements


A and B alone are correct


B and C alone are correct


A and D alone are correct


C and D alone are correct

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The correct Answer is:D

(1) Organism like yeast reproduces asexually by budding and planaria by regeneration.
(2) True regeneration is observed in Hydra.
(3) The mosses multiply by fragmentation
(4) Bacteria, Algae and amoebae reproduction is synonymous with growth i.e. increase in number of cells.


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