Which one of the following is likely to accumulate in a dangerous proportion in the blood of a person whose kideny is not working properly
or The chief nitrogenous waste in urine of rabbit or terrestrial mammals is
Uric acid
None of these
The correct Answer is:A
The chief nitrogenous waste of mammals is urea as it is less toxic and requires less water release. Thus, they can conserve water. This type of excretion is called urieotelism.
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(a) What are organs A ?
(b) Name the waste substance B
(c) What are (i) E, and (ii) F ?
(d) Name G, H and I
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View SolutionDr. Plus Ltd'. a company manufacturing pharmaceuticals organised a seminar for the lower level team of "Production Department". The resource person emphasized on the following points :
In order to realise organisational goals, the supervisor must have the ability of influencing people to strive willingly for mutual objectives. He should possess the art of transferring facts, ideas, feelings, etc. from one person to another and making them understand. He needs to monitor the progress of routine work of the subordinates and guide them properly. He has to indentify what excites people to work for the attainment of a desired objective so as to induce them to act in a desired manner.
1. Which functions of management are refferred in the above ?
2. Identify quoting lines, the elements of one of the functions refferred in above para.
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Knowledge Check
One is increased in blood of a person whose kidney is not working properly
AUrea and uric acidBAmmoniaCSodium chlorideDNoneOne is increased in blood of a person whose kidney is not working properly
AUreaBAmmoniaCSodium chlorideDUric acidWhich of the following statements are correct?
(i). Reabsorption of water occurs passively in the initial segment of nephron.
(ii). Nitrogenous wastes are absorbed by passive transport.
(iii). Conditional reabsorption of Na+ and water takes palce in DCT.
(iv). DCT reabsorbs HCO−3
(v). DCT is capable of selective secretion of H+,K+ and NH3 to maintain pH and Na+−K+ balance in blood.
(vi). Substance like glucose, amino acids, Na+, etc,. it the filtrate are reabsorbed actively.A(i) and (ii)B(ii) and (iii)C(iv) and (v)Dall of these
Shan spices Ltd are the manufactureer of different food specific spices like rajmaa masala cholley masala aaloo parantha masala etc Mr raghav the owner of the company has created different department for puchase porduction marketing finance and human resource .There are thirty employee working in the organisation planning is of paramount importance to the company as Mr Raghav belives that effective planning leads to achievemnet of organisational objectives so in order to make employees focus on objectives he issued instrucitons that during working hours only offical matters will be discussed he made certain rules and code of conduct ofrm the employees to follow according to which employees are not allowed to visit and talk to the employees of other departments except for offical work he emphasied on work perfor which resulted in smooth functioning of the organisation
(i) Identify and state the type of organisation mentioned in the above para
(ii) state one feature of the concept identified in part (1) as mentioned in the above para
(iii) what was lthe purpose behind the fomulation of rules for the employees that restricted their personal communication with the employee of other departments ?
(iv) state two values violated by mr raghav.
View SolutionShan Spices Ltd.' is the manufacturer of different food specific like Rajmas Masala, Cholley Masala, AalooParantha Masala, etc. Mr. Raghav, the owner of the company has created different departments for purchase production, marketing, finance and human resource. There are thirty employees working in the organisation. Planning is of paramount importance to the company as Mr Raghav believes that effective planning leads to achievement of organisational objectives. So in order to make employees focus on objectives, he issued instructions that during working hours only official matters will be discussed. He made certain rules and code of conduct for the employees to follow, according to which employees are not allowed to visit and talk to the employees of other departments except for official work. He emphasised on work performance which resulted in smooth functioning of the organisation.
(a) Identify and state the type of organisation mentioned in the above para.
(b) State one feature of the concept identified in part (a) as mentioned in the above para.
(c ) What was the purpose behind the formulation of rules for the employees that restricted their personal communication with the employees of other departments?
View SolutionWhich of the following statements is INCORRECT?
I. Human kidneys can produce urine nearly six times more concentrated than the initial filtrate formed.
II. An increase in body fluid volume can switch on the osmoreceptors and stimulate ADH.
III. Substance like glucose, amino acids, Na+ , etc., in the filtrate, are reabsorbed actively by the renal tubule whereas the nitrogenous wastes are absorbed by passive transport
IV. Each kidney has nearly one million complex tubular structures called nephrons which are the functional units.
View SolutionThere are nine floors building in which nine shops are situated on different floor separately. The ground floor is numbered 1 and so on. Nine persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G H, and I are working in different shops like Antique, Bakery, Salon, Bookstore, Boutique, Cafe, Chemist, Dairy and Jewellery but not necessarily in the same order. I works in the shop which is on the even number floor but not on the eight floor. There are gap of two floor between I and the person who works in Dairy shop. There are gap of two floors between the floor on which the one who works in Dairy shop and the one who works in Bakery shop. Dairy shop is on the top floor. Antique Shop is on the odd numbered floor. E works in Antique and he does not work immediately above or immediately below the floor on which I works. There are gap of two floors between the floor on which E and D works. D works in Boutique. A works in Cafe which is on the even number floor. There are gap of two floors between A and the person who works in Bookstore. There is gap of one floor between the floor on which the person who works in Bookstore and the one who works in Jewellery. B works in Jewellery which is one of the floor above on which the person who works in Bookstore. C works in Salon which is on even number floor but not on the second floor. F does not work in Chemist or Dairy G does not work in Dairy
Which of the following is correct ?
View SolutionThe cyber-world is ultimately ungovernable. This is alarming as well as convenient, sometimes, convenient because alarming. Some Indian politicians use this to great advantage. When there is an obvious failure in governance during a crisis they deflect attention from their own incompetence towards the ungovernable. So, having failed to prevent nervous citizens from fleeing their cities of work by assuring them of proper protection, some national leaders are now busy trying to prove to one another, and to panicprone Indians, that a mischievous neighbour has been using the internet and social networking sites to spread dangerous rumours. And the Centre's automatic reaction is to start blocking these sites and begin elaborate and potentially endless negotiations with Google, Twitter and Facebook about access to information. If this is the official idea of prompt action at a time of crisis among communities, then Indians have more reason to fear their protectors than the nebulous mischief-makers of the cyber-world. Wasting time gathering proof, blocking vaguely suspicious websites, hurling accusations across the border and worrying about bilateral relations are ways of keeping busy with inessentials because one does not quite know what to do about the essentials of a difficult situation. Besides, only a fifth of the 245 websites blocked by the Centre mention the people of the Northeast or the violence in Assam. And if a few morphed images and spurious text can unsettle an entire nation , then there is something deeply wrong with the nation and with how it is being governed. This is what its leaders should be addressing immediately, rather than making a wrongheaded display of their powers of censorship.
It is just as absurd, and part of the same syndrome to try to ban Twitter accounts that parody despatches from the Prime Minister's Office. To describe such forms of humour and dissent as "misrepresenting" the PMO- as if Twitterers would take these parodies for genuine despatches from the PMO- makes the PMO look more ridiculous than its parodists manage to. With the precedent for such action set recently by the chief minister of West Bengal, this is yet another proof that what Bengal thinks today India will think tomorrow. Using the cyber-world for flexing the wrong muscles is essentially not funny. It might even prove to be quite dangerously distracting.
Which of the following is closest to the meaning of nebulous?
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