A localized inflammatory response appears at the site of infection causes redness, swelling, pain and heat due to certain chemicals which are:
Histamine and prostaglandins
Cerumen and mucus
Histamine and cerumen
Prostaglandins and cerumen
The correct Answer is:A
Prostaglandin are one of the most potent mediator that caused increase blood flow and as a part of immune response to foreign pathogen histamine is produced by basophils and by mast cells. Histamine increases the permeability of capillaries to WBC and same protein and thus causes inflammation.
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View SolutionThe chemicals used to treat diseases and to reduce the suffering from pain are known as drugs or medicines. The chemicals used in chemotherapy are classified according to their action.
For example antipyretics are medicines used to lower the body temperature in high fever. The examples of antipyretics are para ethoxy acetamide and analgin.
Analgesics are medicines which relieve pain. They are of two types. (i) Narcotics are medicines which relieve pain by producing sleep and unconsciousness. They are morphine, morphine diacetate (heroin) and codeine. They are habit forming (ii) None narcotic analgesics are not habit forming and do not usually induce sleep. They are aspirin, brufen and butazolidine.
Antiseptics are medicines which kill or prevent the growth of micro-organisms. Antiseptics are also used to reduce odours arising out of bacterial decomposition on the surface of the body. They are 2% solution of phenol, dettol (a solution of terpineol and chloro-xylenol) savlon, bithional etc.
Tranquillizers are medicine used to relieve mental tension and an anxiety. They act on the nervous system and induce sleep. They may antidepressants (to elevate mood) such as methedrine and vitalin, sedatives (relieve mental agitation and violence) such as diazopam, seconal, luminal and equanil.
Antibiotics are medicines produced by micro-organisms such as fungi, bacteria and moulds and are used to kill other microorganisms. They are penicillin (Treat sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia), streptomycin (active aginst tuberclosis, chloramphenicol treat typhoid, acute fever, urinary infection.
Medicine which is antibiotic is :
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Knowledge Check
During an allergic reaction, the binding of antigens to IgE antibodiess initiates a response, in which chemicals cause the dilation of blood vessels and a host of other physiological changes. Such chemicals are
AinterferonsBhormonesChistamineDacetylamineConsider the following statements with repect to allergy.
A. Allergy is due to the release of chemicals like heparin and adrenaline from the mast cells.
B. The exaggerated response of the immune system to certain antigens present in the environment is called allergy.
C. The use of chemicals like anti-histamine, adrenaline and steroids aggravate the symptions of allergy.
D. Common examples of allergens are mites in dust, pollens, animals dander, etc.AA and C are correctBA and d are correctCA and B are correctDB and D are correctThe chemicals used to treat diseases and to reduce the suffering from pain are known as drugs or medicines. The chemicals used in chemotherapy are classified according to their action.
For example antipyretics are medicines used to lower the body temperature in high fever. The examples of antipyretics are para ethoxy acetamide and analgin.
Analgesics are medicines which relieve pain. They are of two types. (i) Narcotics are medicines which relieve pain by producing sleep and unconsciousness. They are morphine, morphine diacetate (heroin) and codeine. They are habit forming (ii) None narcotic analgesics are not habit forming and do not usually induce sleep. They are aspirin, brufen and butazolidine.
Antiseptics are medicines which kill or prevent the growth of micro-organisms. Antiseptics are also used to reduce odours arising out of bacterial decomposition on the surface of the body. They are 2% solution of phenol, dettol (a solution of terpineol and chloro-xylenol) savlon, bithional etc.
Tranquillizers are medicine used to relieve mental tension and an anxiety. They act on the nervous system and induce sleep. They may antidepressants (to elevate mood) such as methedrine and vitalin, sedatives (relieve mental agitation and violence) such as diazopam, seconal, luminal and equanil.
Antibiotics are medicines produced by micro-organisms such as fungi, bacteria and moulds and are used to kill other microorganisms. They are penicillin (Treat sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia), streptomycin (active aginst tuberclosis, chloramphenicol treat typhoid, acute fever, urinary infection.
Antiseptic action of dettol is due to :ACyclohexanolBChloroxylenolCChloramphenicolDNone of these
The chemicals used to treat diseases and to reduce the suffering from pain are known as drugs or medicines. The chemicals used in chemotherapy are classified according to their action.
For example antipyretics are medicines used to lower the body temperature in high fever. The examples of antipyretics are para ethoxy acetamide and analgin.
Analgesics are medicines which relieve pain. They are of two types. (i) Narcotics are medicines which relieve pain by producing sleep and unconsciousness. They are morphine, morphine diacetate (heroin) and codeine. They are habit forming (ii) None narcotic analgesics are not habit forming and do not usually induce sleep. They are aspirin, brufen and butazolidine.
Antiseptics are medicines which kill or prevent the growth of micro-organisms. Antiseptics are also used to reduce odours arising out of bacterial decomposition on the surface of the body. They are 2% solution of phenol, dettol (a solution of terpineol and chloro-xylenol) savlon, bithional etc.
Tranquillizers are medicine used to relieve mental tension and an anxiety. They act on the nervous system and induce sleep. They may antidepressants (to elevate mood) such as methedrine and vitalin, sedatives (relieve mental agitation and violence) such as diazopam, seconal, luminal and equanil.
Antibiotics are medicines produced by micro-organisms such as fungi, bacteria and moulds and are used to kill other microorganisms. They are penicillin (Treat sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia), streptomycin (active aginst tuberclosis, chloramphenicol treat typhoid, acute fever, urinary infection.
Which of the following is antipyretic?
View SolutionThe chemicals used to treat diseases and to reduce the suffering from pain are known as drugs or medicines. The chemicals used in chemotherapy are classified according to their action.
For example antipyretics are medicines used to lower the body temperature in high fever. The examples of antipyretics are para ethoxy acetamide and analgin.
Analgesics are medicines which relieve pain. They are of two types. (i) Narcotics are medicines which relieve pain by producing sleep and unconsciousness. They are morphine, morphine diacetate (heroin) and codeine. They are habit forming (ii) None narcotic analgesics are not habit forming and do not usually induce sleep. They are aspirin, brufen and butazolidine.
Antiseptics are medicines which kill or prevent the growth of micro-organisms. Antiseptics are also used to reduce odours arising out of bacterial decomposition on the surface of the body. They are 2% solution of phenol, dettol (a solution of terpineol and chloro-xylenol) savlon, bithional etc.
Tranquillizers are medicine used to relieve mental tension and an anxiety. They act on the nervous system and induce sleep. They may antidepressants (to elevate mood) such as methedrine and vitalin, sedatives (relieve mental agitation and violence) such as diazopam, seconal, luminal and equanil.
Antibiotics are medicines produced by micro-organisms such as fungi, bacteria and moulds and are used to kill other microorganisms. They are penicillin (Treat sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia), streptomycin (active aginst tuberclosis, chloramphenicol treat typhoid, acute fever, urinary infection.
Which of the following statements is false ?
View SolutionThe chemicals used to treat diseases and to reduce the suffering from pain are known as drugs or medicines. The chemicals used in chemotherapy are classified according to their action.
For example antipyretics are medicines used to lower the body temperature in high fever. The examples of antipyretics are para ethoxy acetamide and analgin.
Analgesics are medicines which relieve pain. They are of two types. (i) Narcotics are medicines which relieve pain by producing sleep and unconsciousness. They are morphine, morphine diacetate (heroin) and codeine. They are habit forming (ii) None narcotic analgesics are not habit forming and do not usually induce sleep. They are aspirin, brufen and butazolidine.
Antiseptics are medicines which kill or prevent the growth of micro-organisms. Antiseptics are also used to reduce odours arising out of bacterial decomposition on the surface of the body. They are 2% solution of phenol, dettol (a solution of terpineol and chloro-xylenol) savlon, bithional etc.
Tranquillizers are medicine used to relieve mental tension and an anxiety. They act on the nervous system and induce sleep. They may antidepressants (to elevate mood) such as methedrine and vitalin, sedatives (relieve mental agitation and violence) such as diazopam, seconal, luminal and equanil.
Antibiotics are medicines produced by micro-organisms such as fungi, bacteria and moulds and are used to kill other microorganisms. They are penicillin (Treat sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia), streptomycin (active aginst tuberclosis, chloramphenicol treat typhoid, acute fever, urinary infection.
Which of the following compounds is aspirin ?
View SolutionThe chemicals used to treat diseases and to reduce the suffering from pain are known as drugs or medicines. The chemicals used in chemotherapy are classified according to their action.
For example antipyretics are medicines used to lower the body temperature in high fever. The examples of antipyretics are para ethoxy acetamide and analgin.
Analgesics are medicines which relieve pain. They are of two types. (i) Narcotics are medicines which relieve pain by producing sleep and unconsciousness. They are morphine, morphine diacetate (heroin) and codeine. They are habit forming (ii) None narcotic analgesics are not habit forming and do not usually induce sleep. They are aspirin, brufen and butazolidine.
Antiseptics are medicines which kill or prevent the growth of micro-organisms. Antiseptics are also used to reduce odours arising out of bacterial decomposition on the surface of the body. They are 2% solution of phenol, dettol (a solution of terpineol and chloro-xylenol) savlon, bithional etc.
Tranquillizers are medicine used to relieve mental tension and an anxiety. They act on the nervous system and induce sleep. They may antidepressants (to elevate mood) such as methedrine and vitalin, sedatives (relieve mental agitation and violence) such as diazopam, seconal, luminal and equanil.
Antibiotics are medicines produced by micro-organisms such as fungi, bacteria and moulds and are used to kill other microorganisms. They are penicillin (Treat sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia), streptomycin (active aginst tuberclosis, chloramphenicol treat typhoid, acute fever, urinary infection.
Aspirin :
View SolutionThe chemicals used to treat diseases and to reduce the suffering from pain are known as drugs or medicines. The chemicals used in chemotherapy are classified according to their action.
For example antipyretics are medicines used to lower the body temperature in high fever. The examples of antipyretics are para ethoxy acetamide and analgin.
Analgesics are medicines which relieve pain. They are of two types. (i) Narcotics are medicines which relieve pain by producing sleep and unconsciousness. They are morphine, morphine diacetate (heroin) and codeine. They are habit forming (ii) None narcotic analgesics are not habit forming and do not usually induce sleep. They are aspirin, brufen and butazolidine.
Antiseptics are medicines which kill or prevent the growth of micro-organisms. Antiseptics are also used to reduce odours arising out of bacterial decomposition on the surface of the body. They are 2% solution of phenol, dettol (a solution of terpineol and chloro-xylenol) savlon, bithional etc.
Tranquillizers are medicine used to relieve mental tension and an anxiety. They act on the nervous system and induce sleep. They may antidepressants (to elevate mood) such as methedrine and vitalin, sedatives (relieve mental agitation and violence) such as diazopam, seconal, luminal and equanil.
Antibiotics are medicines produced by micro-organisms such as fungi, bacteria and moulds and are used to kill other microorganisms. They are penicillin (Treat sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia), streptomycin (active aginst tuberclosis, chloramphenicol treat typhoid, acute fever, urinary infection.
The drug mathedrine belongs to the class of :
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