Assertion : Bacteria have three basic shapes, i.e., round, rod, spiral.
Reason : Cocci and Bacilli may from clusters or chain of a definite length.
If both the assertion and the reason are true and the reason is a correct explanation of the assertion
If both the assertion and reason are true but the reason is not a correct explanation of the assertion
If the assertion is true but the reason is false
If both the assertion and reason are false
The correct Answer is:B
There are three basic shapes of bacteria, coccus, bacillus and spiral. Based on planes of division the coccus shape can appear in several distinct arrangements diplococcus, streptococcus, tetrad, sarcina and staphylococcus.
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Below is given a passage followed by several possible inference which can be drawn from the facts stated in the passage. you have to examine each inference seperately in the context of the passage decide upon its degree of truth or falsity and choose your answer accordingly from amongest the alternative provided thereafter.
The caffeine in one morning 's coffee or tea may improve the complex reasoning ability of extroverts but has the opposite effect on introverts . More than 700 people were given caffeine equal to no more than three cups of coffee and then tested on word analogies sentence completion and indentification of antonyms . The researchers believe that the caffiene was beneficial to the extroverts in the morning because they take longer to wake up . Introverts are more alert in the morning and become overstimulated by the drug which interferes with their reasoning power.
Caffiene affects reasoning ability of people who drink tea or coffee.
(a) Probably true
(b) Definitely true
(c] Probably false
(d) Definitely false
(e) Data inadequate.
View SolutionBelow is given a passage followed by several possible inference which can be drawn from the facts stated in the passage. you have to examine each inference seperately in the context of the passage decide upon its degree of truth or falsity and choose your answer accordingly from amongest the alternative provided thereafter.
The caffeine in one morning 's coffee or tea may improve the complex reasoning ability of extroverts but has the opposite effect on introverts . More than 700 people were given caffeine equal to no more than three cups of coffee and then tested on word analogies sentence completion and indentification of antonyms . The researchers believe that the caffiene was beneficial to the extroverts in the morning because they take longer to wake up . Introverts are more alert in the morning and become overstimulated by the drug which interferes with their reasoning power.
Complex reasoning ability is made up of word analogies , sentence completion and indentification of antonyms.
(a) Probably false
(b) Probably true
(c] Definitely true
(d) Data inadequate
(e) Definitely false
View SolutionBelow is given a passage followed by several possible inference which can be drawn from the facts stated in the passage. you have to examine each inference seperately in the context of the passage decide upon its degree of truth or falsity and choose your answer accordingly from amongest the alternative provided thereafter.
The caffeine in one morning 's coffee or tea may improve the complex reasoning ability of extroverts but has the opposite effect on introverts . More than 700 people were given caffeine equal to no more than three cups of coffee and then tested on word analogies sentence completion and indentification of antonyms . The researchers believe that the caffiene was beneficial to the extroverts in the morning because they take longer to wake up . Introverts are more alert in the morning and become overstimulated by the drug which interferes with their reasoning power.
Caffiene has greater effect early in the morning.
(a) Definitely false
(b) Definitely true
(c] Probably false
(d) Probably true
(e) Data inadequate
View SolutionBelow is given a passage followed by several possible inference which can be drawn from the facts stated in the passage. you have to examine each inference seperately in the context of the passage decide upon its degree of truth or falsity and choose your answer accordingly from amongest the alternative provided thereafter.
The caffeine in one morning 's coffee or tea may improve the complex reasoning ability of extroverts but has the opposite effect on introverts . More than 700 people were given caffeine equal to no more than three cups of coffee and then tested on word analogies sentence completion and indentification of antonyms . The researchers believe that the caffiene was beneficial to the extroverts in the morning because they take longer to wake up . Introverts are more alert in the morning and become overstimulated by the drug which interferes with their reasoning power.
Extroverts do not find caffiene beneficial in the evening.
(a) Data inadequate
(b) Definitely true
(c] Definitely false
(d) Probabl true
(e) Probably false
View SolutionIn this question below is given a passage followed by several inferences. you have to examine each inference seperately in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity. Mark your answr as :
(a) If the inference is definitely true i.e. it direclty follows from the facts given in the passage
(b) if the inference is probably true though out definitely true in the light of the facts given
(c] If you think the data are inadequate from the facts given you can not say whether the inference is likely to be true or false .
(d) If you think the inference is probably false though out definitely false in the light of the facts given
(e) If you think the inference is definitely false i.e. it contradicts the given facts
India needs higher investment in the port sector and still lags far behind the international ports in container traffic though there has been considerable growth in this segment over the past few years. There is a need to continually benchmark indian ports against the best ports worldwide and continue to engage in policy efforts so as to attain prices per container of port services which are the lowest in the world. The average turn around time for ships docking at most of the ports in india has been falling for the past three years. However pre-berthing time has been marginally increasing ever the years.
Indian ports have not been graded so far on the international standard.
View SolutionIn this question below is given a passage followed by several inferences. you have to examine each inference seperately in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity.
Primary education in bihar is in a poor shape . Pupils in over 50 percent of the schools read in the open throughout the year. Over six million children born to lower income group parents remain unlattered . Not even one percent of the 63000 primary schools have facilities of furnitures, toilet drinking water and games .3113 new teachers have been appointed in the current financial year out of which 2747 women. Now each of the 13270 primary schools have at least two teachers.
A large number of primary schools in bihar are one teacher schools.
Mark your answer as :
(a) If the inference is definitely true i.e. it direclty follows from the facts given in the passage
(b) if the inference is probably true though out definitely true in the light of the facts given
(c] If you think the data are inadequate from the facts given you can not say whether the inference is likely to be true or false .
(d) If you think the inference is probably false though out definitely false in the light of the facts given
(e) If you think the inference is definitely false i.e. it contradicts the given facts
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