Direction: Study the following information carefully to answer the questions given below
Ten boxes are placed in an almirah such that the box which is at lowest place is numbered as 1st,
and the box just above it is numbered as 2nd and so on till the topmost box is numbered as 10th position. Four boxes placed between J and K which is placed on an odd numbered position. The box K
is placed below the box J. The box M is placed below the box K. Two boxes are placed between K
and L which is placed just below Q box. Box B is placed below the box M. Q box is placed on 7th position. The box I is placed on an even numbered position but above the box P. The box A is placed
immediate above the box R.
Which box is placed at the bottom?
The correct Answer is:D
Step by step video, text & image solution for Direction: Study the following information carefully to answer the questions given belowTen boxes are placed in an almirah such that the box which is at lowest place is numbered as 1st, and the box just above it is numbered as 2nd and so on till the topmost box is numbered as 10th position. Four boxes placed between J and K which is placed on an odd numbered position. The box K is placed below the box J. The box M is placed below the box K. Two boxes are placed between K and L which is placed just below Q box. Box B is placed below the box M. Q box is placed on 7th position. The box I is placed on an even numbered position but above the box P. The box A is placed immediate above the box R.Which box is placed at the bottom? by Reasoning experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 14 exams.
Updated on:21/07/2023Similar Questions
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