Study the fo Dowing information carefully and answer the questions given below
In an apartment, eight persons, ie, D, E,F,QH, I, J and K live on different floors but not necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered 1 and the topmost floor of the building is numbered 8. They are from different stream of Engineering ie, Chemical Engineering, Instrumentation Engineering, Software Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering,. Automobile Engineering, and Civil Engineering
The one who lives on fourth floor is specialised in Mechanical Engineering. D lives on odd numbered floor but above 3rd floor. The number of persons between D and the one who is specialised in Electrical Engineering is same as number of persons between D and I. the one who is specialised in Instrumentation Engineering lives on lowermost floor. K lives on an even numbered floor and he is specialised in Automobile Engineering. There are two floors between E and H and E lives above to H. E is specialised in Aeronautical Engineering. J lives just above the one who is specialised in Aeronautical Engineering. The number of floors between the one who is specialised in Aeronautical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering is two. The one who is specialised in Civil Engineering lives on odd numbered floor The number of floors between the one who is specialised in Chemical Engineering and J is four. The one who is specialised in Aeronautical Engineering' lives on an odd numbered floor. The number-of floors between the one who is specialised in Civil Engineering and the floor on which F lives is same as the number of floors between F and GI lives below the floor on which D-lives
Four of the following five are alike in acertain way and -hence they form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?
The correct Answer is:A
Step by step video & text solution for Study the fo Dowing information carefully and answer the questions given below In an apartment, eight persons, ie, D, E,F,QH, I, J and K live on different floors but not necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered 1 and the topmost floor of the building is numbered 8. They are from different stream of Engineering ie, Chemical Engineering, Instrumentation Engineering, Software Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering,. Automobile Engineering, and Civil Engineering The one who lives on fourth floor is specialised in Mechanical Engineering. D lives on odd numbered floor but above 3rd floor. The number of persons between D and the one who is specialised in Electrical Engineering is same as number of persons between D and I. the one who is specialised in Instrumentation Engineering lives on lowermost floor. K lives on an even numbered floor and he is specialised in Automobile Engineering. There are two floors between E and H and E lives above to H. E is specialised in Aeronautical Engineering. J lives just above the one who is specialised in Aeronautical Engineering. The number of floors between the one who is specialised in Aeronautical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering is two. The one who is specialised in Civil Engineering lives on odd numbered floor The number of floors between the one who is specialised in Chemical Engineering and J is four. The one who is specialised in Aeronautical Engineering' lives on an odd numbered floor. The number-of floors between the one who is specialised in Civil Engineering and the floor on which F lives is same as the number of floors between F and GI lives below the floor on which D-lives Four of the following five are alike in acertain way and -hence they form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group? by Reasoning experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 14 exams.
Updated on:21/07/2023Similar Questions
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(a) ACl2+B→BCl2+A
(b) B+DCl→ कोई अभिक्रिया नहीं
(c) C+2DCl→2D+CCl2
(d) C+ECl2→ कोई अभिक्रिया नहीं
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जब उसने कृषि विश्वविद्यालय में पढ़ने वाले अपने मित्र को समस्या से अवगत कराया तब मित्र ने उसे पारजीनी टमाटर की किस्म उगाने को कहा जो कि विलम्ब से पकता हैं ।
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