Consider the following statements:
(1) Bridgehead halides are inert towards both SN1andSN2 reactions (till oneof the ringsize is eight member ring)
(2) The first step in both SN2 and E1 reactions is the same
(3) SN2 reactions proceed with total retention of configuration
(4) E2 eliminations are by the use of a solvent of low polarity and high concentration of a strong base
Which of the above statements are correct?Solution in Telugu
1,2 and 4
1 and 3
2,3 and 4
1,2,3 and 4
The correct Answer is:A
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(1)Brideherated halides are inert towards both SN1andSN2 reaction till one of the ring size is eoght member ring )
(2) The first step in both SN1 and E1 reactions is the same
(3) SN2 reactions proceed with total retention of configuration
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View SolutionAssertion: SN2 reactions do not proceed with retention of configuration.
Reason: SN2 reactions proceed in a single step.
View SolutionStatement -1 : Rate of S_(N)1 reaction is faster than that of S_(N)2 reaction Statement -2 : S_(N)2 reaction is favoured by polar aprotic solvent Statement -3 : S_(N)1 reaction involves racemization
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View SolutionAssertion : S_(N)^(2) reaction proceeds with inversionk of configuration. Reason : S_(N)^(2) reaction occurs in one step
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