Reduce 7771147 to lowest terms.
To reduce the fraction 7771147 to its lowest terms, we need to find the highest common factor (HCF) of the numerator and the denominator and then divide both by this HCF.
Step 1: Factorize the Numerator (777)
First, we will factorize 777.
1. Check divisibility by 3:
- Sum of digits of 777: 7+7+7=21 (which is divisible by 3)
- 777÷3=259
2. Now, we need to factor 259:
- Check divisibility by 7: 259÷7 does not yield an integer.
- Check divisibility by 11: 259÷11 does not yield an integer.
- Check divisibility by 37: 259÷37=7 (which is an integer)
So, the complete factorization of 777 is:
Step 2: Factorize the Denominator (1147)
Next, we will factorize 1147.
1. Check divisibility by 3:
- Sum of digits of 1147: 1+1+4+7=13 (not divisible by 3)
2. Check divisibility by 7:
- 1147÷7 does not yield an integer.
3. Check divisibility by 11:
- 1147÷11=104.27 (not an integer)
4. Check divisibility by 37:
- 1147÷37=31 (which is an integer)
So, the complete factorization of 1147 is:
Step 3: Find the HCF
Now, we find the HCF of 777 and 1147. The common factor is 37.
Step 4: Reduce the Fraction
Now, we can reduce the fraction 7771147 by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by their HCF (37):
Final Answer
Thus, the fraction 7771147 reduced to its lowest terms is:
First, we will factorize 777.
- Sum of digits of 777: 7+7+7=21 (which is divisible by 3)
- 777÷3=259
- Check divisibility by 7: 259÷7 does not yield an integer.
- Check divisibility by 11: 259÷11 does not yield an integer.
- Check divisibility by 37: 259÷37=7 (which is an integer)
Next, we will factorize 1147.
- Sum of digits of 1147: 1+1+4+7=13 (not divisible by 3)
2. Check divisibility by 7:
- 1147÷7 does not yield an integer.
- 1147÷11=104.27 (not an integer)
- 1147÷37=31 (which is an integer)
Now, we find the HCF of 777 and 1147. The common factor is 37.
Now, we can reduce the fraction 7771147 by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by their HCF (37):
Thus, the fraction 7771147 reduced to its lowest terms is:
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