These questions are based on the following data.
A, B, C, D and E are five boys in a class compared with respect to their strength, speed and cleverness and ranked 1 to 5 In each of the categories decreasing order, C is the stron gest and cleverest of all and there are as man boys faster than him as there are slower, B is f ster than C but slower than A. E is weaker than D. E is stronger than only two boys and cleverer Than only three. No two boys got the same rank In any of the categories.
If A is cleverer than B, then which of the following is/are a possible order(s) of cleverness from the most clever to the least clever?
I. C, E, A, B,D
II. II, C, D, E, A ,B
III. C, A, E, D,B
Only I
Only II
Only III
Only I and II
The correct Answer is:A
The orders of the five boys have to be decided as per the strength, speed end cleverness Let us number the order 1 to 5 ln descending order in each category.
(1) C is the strongest and cleverest of all, so ho must be ranked 1 In strength and cleverness.
(2) There are as many boys faster than C as there one slower, she must be ranked 3 in speed
(3) B is faster than C but slower than A, that means A is faster than B. Hence, the order of A B and C must be as A>B>C in speed. So A and B must be at positions 1 and 2 respectively as Chas already position 3 in speed.
(4) E is weaker than D. and E is stronger than only two boys so. E must be at position 3 In strength, whereas is cleverer than only three persons. So. E must be ranked 2 In cleverness . So the following Information can definitely be concluded se par the above data .
n is given that C is less strong than D , so D must be ranked 2 in strength. But there la no Information about A and B strength-we, so A and B can be al position 4 and 6 or vlce-versa, whereas nothing is mentioned about D and E speed wise. So, D and E will be at 4 and 5 or vice-versa. But as far as the order of cleverness is concerned, nothing can be sold definitely about A, B and D. So, they can occupy any one of the positions out of 3, 4 and 5. So, the stat possible arrangement will be as follows.
If A is cleverness than B . then A can be at position 3 or 4 where B can be at 4 or 5 So the order of A , B and D will be at position 3 , 4 and 5 as explained earlier , that is ABD.
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