P, S, R, X, Y, M, N and Q are sitting around a square table facing the centre in such a way that four of them sit at four corners while four sit at the middle of each side. Each of them is a HOD, of different departments CS, ECE, EEE, IT, MBA, BCA, Mechanical, Civil (not necessarily in same order).
M sits 2nd to the left of P, who is HOD of Mechanical. HOD of IT and Civil sit diagonally opposite to each other. Y is not an immediate neighbour of M, who is HOD of CS. N, who does not sit at any of the corners and sits second to the right of X. N is not an immediate neighbour of R. Q sits second to left of S. Y is not an immediate neighbour of N. R is not a HOD of IT. HOD of ECE is not just near to P and X. M sits at the middle of one of the sides of the table, HOD of EEE sits opposite to P. HOD of MBA doesn't sit at any corner. Only two people sit between X and S.
What is the position of M with respect to HOD of Civil?
Third to the left
Immediate right
Second to the right
Immediate left
From the given conditions, M sits at the middle of one of the sides of the table.Msits 2nd left of P, who is HOD of Mechanical. Y is not an immediate neighbour of M, who is HOD of CS. N, does not sit at any of the corners and sits second to the right of X. Only two people sit between X and S, hence there will be 2 possible cases, Q sits second to left of S.
(ii) Y is not an immediate neighbour of Mand Y is not an immediate neighbour of N. N is not an immediate neighbour of R. From these conditions case-1 will be eliminated, because neither R nor Y will sit just near to N. In case 2, Y will sit immediate left of X and R will sit immediate right of M.
(iii) HOD of ECE is not just near to P and Q, so S is a HOD of ECE. HOD of MBA doesn.t sit at any corner, hence X is a .HOD of MBA. HOD of IT and Civil sit diagonally opposite to each other. R is not HOD of IT, so Q is HOD of IT and R.is HOD of Civil. It will be fixed that Y is HOD of BCA and we will get final answer.

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