In a meeting eight persons P,Q, M, S, T, X, Z and W of different cities are sitting around a square table facing the centre, but not necessarily in the same order. Each one of them belongs to different cities i.e. Agra, Lucknow, Jaipur, Delhi, Kolkata, Goa, Chennai and Pune, but not necessarily in the same order. X sits second to the right of the person from Delhi. Two people sit between the person from Chennai and Q. M and T are immediate neighbours of each other. The person from Chennai is an immediate neighbour of the person from Delhi. The person from Jaipur sits second to the right of s, who belongs to Lucknow. Z and the person from Agra are immediate neighbours of each other. Q is not the person from Agra. Only one person sits between Mand S. W sits third to left of the person from Pune. The person from Goa sits second to left of the person of Kolkata. Neither M nor T is an immediate neighbour of either Q or person from Delhi. Q does not face the person from delhi.
Who sits exactly between the person from Lucknow and M?
The person from Jaipur
The person from Goa
Cannot be determined
The correct Answer is:C
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