Following are the conditions for selecting Seniora Manager Credit in a bank. The candidate must be
I be a graduate in any discipline with atleast 60% marks.
II have post qualification work experience of atleast 10 year in the Advances Section of a bank.
III. be atleast 30 year and not more than 40 year as on 1.4.2010.
IV. have secured atleast 40% marks in the group discussion.
V. have secured atleast 50% marks in interview. In the case of a candidate who satisfies all the condition except (i)
At (i) above but has secured atleast 50% marks in graduation and atleast 60% marks in postgraduation in any discipline the case is to be referred to the General Manager Advances.
(ii) At (II) above but has total post qualification work experience of atleast seven years out of which atleast three years as Manager Credit in a bank, the case is to be referred to Executive Director.
In each question below details of one candidate is given. You have to take one of the following courses of action based on the information provided and the conditions and sub-conditions given above and mark the number of that course of action as your answer.
You are not to assume anything other than the information provided in each question. All these cases are given to you as on 01.04.2010.
Amrit Saini was born on 4th August, 1977. He has secured 65% marks in post graduation and 58% marks in graduation. He has been working for the past ten years in the Advances Department of a bank after completing his post graduation. He has secured 45% marks in the group discussion and 50% marks in the interview.
If the case is to be referred to Executive Director
If the case is to be referred to General Manager Advances
If the data are inadequate to take a decision
If the candidate is not to be selected
The correct Answer is:B
Amrit Saini fulfills all the conditions except I but he fulfills the sub conditions (i) Hence, his case is to be referred to General Manager Advances
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