Is P divisible by 6 ?
I P is divisible by 5.
II. The sum of the digits of P excludind its units digit is 14
If the question can be answered using one of the statements alone, but cannot be answered using the other statement alone.
If the question can be answered using either statement alone.
If the questions can be answered using I and II together but not using I or II alone
If the question cannot be answered even using I and II together.
The correct Answer is:C
From statement, I, If P=30 it is divisibel by 6
If p=35, it is not divisible by 6
So statement I alone is not sufficient.
From statement II,
If P= 12550, it is not divisibles by 6.
If P= 12564, it is divisble by 6
So statement if alone is also not sufficient.
Using both the statements, as P is divisible by 5, the units digits of P is either 5or 0. But if units digits of P is 5 it is not divisble by 2. Hence P is not divisble by 6 also.
If is units digits is 0, the sum of the digits of P is 14. in that case P is not divisble by 3.
Hence P is not divisbles by 6 also.
Using both the statements we can say that P is not divisble by 6.
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