(1) There is a group of seven persons seated around a table.
(2) Their professions are: Housewife, Doctor, Engineer, Teacher, Chemist, Manager, Professor respectively.
(3) There are three females including the housewife. The Engineer is not a female.
(4) Two of them are husband-wife. The profession of the wife is teaching. Her husband is the oldest of the seven.
(5) The youngest of the group is a female. She does not teach and she is not a housewife.
(6) The individual ages of the Professor, the Doctor and the Manager are more than the average age of the whole group.
(7) If the Professor is not counted then the average age of the group decreases.
Who among the following is the married couple?
Teacher - Professor
None of these
The correct Answer is:A
Statements (1) to (6) can be summarised as below
T………. Sec……………….(1)
PV Sec or Sec VP ……………….(2)
S U…………………..(3)
Convenor Organiser Cashier ……………… (4)
Q_ Sec …………….(5)
(1) and (5) ⇔ T _ Q_ Sec ………… (a)
Looking at (a), we understand that the first case in (2) is untenable as then P would have to occupy the same place as Q. So the second case in (2) is correct. Incorporating it in (a) we have
T _ Q _ Sec VP ..............(b)
The two vacant places can be filled up by (3).
Adding (3) to (b), we get
T S Q U Sec VP .............. (c) Then R must be the Secretary and U the President. Adding (4) to (c) we know that
T→ Convenor
S→ Organiser
Q→ Cashier
From (6), we are however not sure as who among V or P is the Treasurer or the Officer.
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