I. There is a group of seven persons in a family, A, B, C, D, E, F and G.
They all appeared in an I. Q. test to test their intelligence.
II. There are two married couples in the family and three females in total.
III. G, a female , is more intelligent.
IV. B, the father of E, is more intelligent than his son.
V. C has one son and one daughter. She is more intelligent than her husband.
VI. The father of B is more intelligent than B himself.
VII. E, the grandson of F, is the least intelligent. F, the grandfather, is the second most intelligent in the family.
VIII. The mother of B is less intelligent than B.
IX. None among the married topped the I. Q. test.
X. The grandmother of G has two sons, one of whom is D, who is more intelligent than his brother but less intelligent than his sister in law.
XI. Nobody is a widow or a widower in the family.
How are C and A related ?
daughter -in-law and mother - in - law
Daughter-in-law and father-in - law
sisters - in - law
Mother and daughter
The correct Answer is:A
I. We note that there are three females. Now, C is a female,while B, F, E and D are all males. It implies that the third female is A.
II. Now, since G is the most intelligent and since none of the married topped the I.Q. test, it implies that G is unmarried. It means that both A and C are married because there are two married couples (hence two ma females).
III. The grandmother of G has two sons. So, the grandmother cannot be C because C has .one son and one daughter. too. It implies that A is the grandmother.
IV. Since F is a grandfather and since A is a grandmother and since none in the family is a widow or a widower, A and F must be a couple. On the same logic, since B is a father and since C is a mother, B and C must be a couple.
V. The son of C is E, who is the grandson of F. The granddaughter is G whose grandmother A has two sons: one, her own father B and the other, D. The family-tree can now be easily constructed as shown below:
Also, let us pick the relevant information regarding the I.Q. test. These are:
(i) G is the most intelligent.
(ii) B is more intelligent than his son.
(iii) C is more intelligent than her husband.
(iv) The father of B is more intelligent than B.
(v) E is the least intelligent.
(vi) is the second most intelligent.
(vii) The mother of B is less intelligent than B.
(viii)D is more intelligent than his brother but less intelligent than his wife
All these statements can lead to a definite order of intelligence as shown : G>F>C>D>B>A>E
G is the granddaughte of F , daughter of B, niece of D , sister of E.
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(i) A+H2SO4→ASO4+H2
(ii) C+ACl2→CCl2+A
(iii) C+ECl2→ अभिक्रिया नहीं होती
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(iv) D+CCl2→DCl2+C
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