In a certain code:
"made them twice" is coded as "un em ws"
"Terrace jump garden made raise" is coded "em jo rd ku ct"
"jump from the raise them" is coded as "ku vh sé un jo"
"jump terrace high" is coded as "ct pt ku"
. "un" stands for ?
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The correct Answer is:D
Knowledge Check
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below
(निम्नलिखित जानकारी का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन करें और नीचे दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें)
In a certain code languages a(एक निश्चित कूट भाषा में)
''tell them young'' means(मतलब) '' ke la pa''
''wise young sharp tell" means(मतलब) ''na pa kup ke''
''bring clever young them'' means(मतलब) '' se to pa la''
'' clever sharp young tomorrow" means(मतलब) ''to kup pa jo''
What is the code for ''to'' ?
''to'' के लिए कोड क्या है?AcleverByoungCbringDthemRead the following :
(i) The half - life period of a radioactive element X is same as the mean-life time of another radioactive element Y. Initially both of them have the same number of atoms. Them Y will decay at a faster rate than X.
(ii) The electron emitted in beta radiation originates from decay of a neutron un a nucleus.
(iii) The half-life of215 At is 100 ms. The time taken for the radioacivity of a sample of215 At to decay to 1/16th of its initial value is 400 ms.
(iv) The volume (V) and mass (m) of a nucleus are related as V∝m.
(v) Given a sample of Radium-226 having half-life of 4 days. The probability, a nucleus disintegrates within 2 half llives is 3/4.
Select the correct code for above.AT T T T TBT F T T FCF T F T FDF T T T F