In alphabetical series A-Z each letter except vowels is assigned a different number from 1-5 (for ex-B is coded as
1,-C2...........G-5) and again those numbers get repeated (for on).
Also, each vowel is assigned a different symbol viz. #,$, %,@,©.
In coded language
'Opens-Route for Trade" is coded as - "#2$15 4#©1$ 4#4 234@35 U
"Port with Contracts" is coded as - #2#41 3%11 2#114@215".
"Free trade Zone" is coded as - "44$$ 14@3$ 1#1$".
Besides the above example, following operations are to be applied for coding the words given in the questions below.
(i) If both first and last letter of a word is consonant then the codes of both the consonant are change with the code for last letter.
(ii) If both first letter and last letter of a word is vowel then both are to be coded as '?'.
(iii) If the first letter of a word is Vowel and last letter is consonant then the codes of both the letters gets interchanged.
(iv) If the word does not satisfy the conditions given above then the letters of that word are to be coded as per the directions given above)
What can be the code of Transit Fare'?


14@15%1 4@$4


14@15%1 @14$


14@15%1 4@4$


1401@51 4@4$

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The correct Answer is:C

In this new pattern coding decoding each letter, except vowel, is assigned a number from 1-5 So, B-1, C-2, D-3, F-4, G-5, H-1, 1-2, K-3, L-4, M-5, N-1, P2, Q-3, R-4, 5-5, T-1, V-2, W-3, X-4, Y-5, Z-1.
Each vowel is assigned a different symbol as-%, #,$,@,
So, for vowels the symbols are - A-@, O-#,1-%, E- $, U-©.
.Transit"- Condition (i) applied-.14@15%1..
"Fare"- No Condition applied .4@4$.
