In alphabetical series A-Z each letter except vowels is assigned a different number from 1-6 (for ex-B is coded as
1, C-2..........H-6) and again those numbers get repeated(for ex-J-1, on).
Also each vowel is coded with different letters viz. gw, 9, C, K.
In coded language
"Life lesson" is coded as - 3k4g 3g33q5
"start think" is coded as - 34c24 46k52
"view process" is coded as - 5kg6 62q2g33
(i) If first letter is consonant and last letter is vowel then the codes of both of them will be interchanged.
(ii) If both first and last letter are vowel then they are to be coded as $.
(iii) If first letter of a word is vowel and last letter is consonant then both are to be coded as @.
(iv) If both first and last letter are consonant then they are to be coded as &.
(If the word does not satisfy the conditions given above then the letters of that word are to be coded as per the directions given above)
What can be the code of 'Issue'?
The correct Answer is:A
In this new pattern coding decoding each letter, except vowel, is assigned a number from 1-6 So, B-1, C-2, D-3, F-4, G-5, H-6,5-1, K-2, L-3, M-4, N-5, P6, Q-1, R-2, S-3, T-4, V-5, W-6, X-1, Y-2, 2-3.
Also, each vowel is assigned different letters. So, for vowels the letters are - A-c, E-g, I-k, O-q, U-w.
..Issue - Condition (ü) applied- $33w$
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