In alphabetical series each consonant is assigned a different number from 1-7 (for ex-B is coded as 1, C2...........-7)and again those numbers get repeated(for ex-K-1, on).
Besides the above information, following operations are to be applied for coding the words given in the questions below.
Each letters of the given questions will be coded as per the given conditions:
I Vowels appearing before 'M' in the Alphabetical series will be coded as '9'.
II. Vowels appearing after 'M' in the alphabetical series will be coded as '11'. III. Number immediately preceded by vowel will be coded as '#%'.
IV. Number immediately followed by vowel will be coded as '%&'.
What is the code for 'ORTOGRAF?
11#%% &11#%%&9#%
The correct Answer is:B
Logic: The different number codes for all the consonant as per the given condition are,
B-1, C-2, D-3, 6-4, G-5, H-6, J-7
K-1, L-2, M-3, N-4, P-5, Q-6, R-7
S-1, T-2, V-3, W-4, X-5, 7-6, Z-7
The consonants of the word .NORMAL. are to be coded as the number allotted to the consonant:
Step 2: The numbers immediately preceded and followed by the vowels are to be coded as per the given conditions, So, the code for consonant for word .NORMAL. is coded as .4073A2., numbers 4 and 7 is immediately preceded and followed by, .4. is coded as .%&. and .7. is coded as .#%.. Similarly, .3. and .2. is immediately preceded and followed respectively by .A. so, .3. is coded as .%&. and .2. is coded as .#%..
Now the vowels are to be coded as per the given conditions, as O comes after .M. in the alphabetical series so .O. is coded as .11. and .A. comes before .M. in the alphabetical series so, .A. is to be coded as .9..
So, the final code for the word .NORMAL is %&11#%%&9#%..
The code for .ORTOGRAF is 11#%%&11#%%&9#%
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