In coded language.
Global Quarter Import" is coded as - '13NS 21T 12X'
suggest Extemal seetor" is coded as - 21F 24CB 5J'.
"current account deficit" is coded as - "21K 3XO 5P'
What can be the code of 'macro issues'?
1X 19FH
1X 18HF
1X 19HF
None of these
Let us understand the logic behind the given coding decoding
Case 1: If the first letter of the code is consonant
Case-2: If the first letter of the code is vowel

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Knowledge Check
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View SolutionRead the following information and answer the questions given below:
In an exhibition the timings for entry are 10AM to 3PM ad 4PM to 9PM. There are 5 batches in each sessions of one hour duration. The tickets issued for entry are coded for seven words. Which gets rearranged for different batches following a definite rule. WHich is described below
Batch 1 (10Am -11AM): you all are welcomed in this exhibition
Batch 2 (11AM-12AM): are all this welcomed exhibition in you
Batch 3(12AM-1PM): this all in welcomed you exhibition are And so on till the last batch
If the code of ticket issued during the eighth batch is 'Pranab Sinha is not tall as Ashok' What will be the code of ticket issued during 2 to 3pm
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In a certain code language
‘form long single tired’ is written as ‘#G4 @E6 %M4 $D5’
‘large statue turn find’ is written as ‘@E6 #E5 $N4 %D4’
‘some liberty fix task’ is written as ‘%X3 $K4 #Y7 @E4’
‘tall figure like start’ is written as ‘$L4 #E4 @T5 %E6’ ###DONE###
In the given code language, what does the code ‘@T5’ stand for?
View SolutionRead the following information and answer the questions given below:
In an exhibition the timings for entry are 10AM to 3PM ad 4PM to 9PM. There are 5 batches in each sessions of one hour duration. The tickets issued for entry are coded for seven words. Which gets rearranged for different batches following a definite rule. WHich is described below
Batch 1 (10Am -11AM): you all are welcomed in this exhibition
Batch 2 (11AM-12AM): are all this welcomed exhibition in you
Batch 3(12AM-1PM): this all in welcomed you exhibition are And so on till the last batch
If the code of ticket of the last batch is 'Vijay Prakash singh likes beautiful red roses' then what will be the code of the ticket issued in the first batch in morning session
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