Eight players A,B,C,D,E,F,G and H are lying in an eight floor building. Only one player stays on each floor. All these player are ranked from 1 to 8 on the basis of their performance. Also each player was born on different months of a year viz.
January, February, March, April, May, June, July and August,, but not necessarily in the same order.
F is a 7th rank holder and lives on the sixth floor. the player whose rank is 5th was born in april and lives on the third floor. the player whose rank is 3rd lives on the first floor. the player who was born in february lives on the top floor. the player whose rank is 2nd lives between C and E. G is a 4th rank holder and H is a 1st rank holder. the player who has 6th rank was born in june and does not stay on the fifth floor. the player who was born in march lives on the seventh floor. G doesn't live on eighth and first floor. the player whose rank is 8th lives on the fifth floor. the player whose rank is 8th was not born in january. the player, who was born in august lives on an even number floor. E is 8th rank holder and B is 6th rank holder. D and the player who was born in july stay on even numbered floors.
Q. Who among the following player has 2nd rank ?
The correct Answer is:B
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