Nine People A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H and I stay in a building. The building has nine floors and only one person stays on one floor. Each of them have a puppy whose names are- Tiger, Rony, Panther, Rocky, Jumbo, Sheru, Gabru, Bullet and Cheetah. Each person belongs to different cities, i.e. londin, bangkok, paris, dubai, istanbul, new york, singapore, seoul and rome, but not necessarily in the same order. the ground floor is numbered 1, the floor above it is numbered 2, and so on, and the topmost floor is numbered 9.
The one who belongs to seoul stays on the fourth floor. A does not belong to new york and does not have pupply naming sheru and bullet. there are three floors between the floors on which C and G stay. D stays on a floor immediately above the I's floor. the one who has puppy named as gabru stays on an even numbered floor. F does not belong to rome. the one who belongs to londom stays on the topmost floor. the one who has puppy named as rocky stays immediate below to the one who has puppy named as tiger. F has puppy named as sheru and does not stay on the ground floor. H belongs to dubai and stays on an even numbered floor and he has puppy named as rocky. E stays on the second floor and belongs to paris. there are three people between the one who has puppy named as rony and the one who has puppy named as bullet. the one who belongs to rome stays on the third floor. the one who has puppy named jumbo does not stay on sixth floor. there are two floors between the floors on which the people who are from singapore and dubai stay. the person who has puppy named as bullet is from singapore. C belongs to bangkok. the one who has puppy named as cheetah stays immediate above C. there is one floor between the floors on which F and G stay. there is one floor between the floors on which the one who has puppy named as panther and the one who has puppy named as cheetah stay. A stays onan even numbered floor below the floor on which H stays.
Q. How many floors are there between the one who has puppy named as gabru and the one who has puppy named as jumbo ?
The correct Answer is:C
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