Why are alloys commonly used in electrical heating devices? Give reason.
Reason: Alloys have high resistivity /high melting point/ alloys do not oxidize (Or burn) readily at high temperatures.
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View SolutionAlloys are used in electrical heating devices rather than pure metals. Give one reason.
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Knowledge Check
______is commonly used in electrical heating devices.
ACopperBNichromeCIronDAluminiumAssertion (A) : Alloys are commonly used in electrical heating devices like electric iron and heater.
Reason (R ) : Resistivity of an alloy is generally higher than that of its constituent metals but the alloys have low melting points than their constituent metals.ABoth (A) and (R ) are true and (R ) is correct explanation of the assertion.BBoth (A) and (R ) are true but (R ) is not the correct explanation of the assertion.C(A) is true but (R ) is false.D(A) is false but (R ) is true.Assertion (A): Alloys are commonly used in electrical heating devices like electric iron and heater.
Reason (R): Resistivity of an alloy is generally higher than that of its constituent metals but the alloys have low melting points then their constituent metals.ABoth (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation of the assertion.BBoth (A) and (R) are true and (R) not is correct explanation of the assertion.C(A) is true but (R) is false.D(A) is false but (R) is true.
Alloys are used in electrically heating devices rather that pure metals. Give one reason.
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Why are the conductors of electric heating devices, such as bread-toasters and electric irons, made of an alloy rather than a pure metal?
View SolutionAssertion (A): Alloys are commonly used in electrical heating devices like electric iron and heater.
Reason (R): Resistivity of an alloy is generally higher than that of its constituent metals but the alloys have low melting points then their constituent metals.
View SolutionAssertion (A): Alloys are commonly used is electrical heating devices like electric iron and heater.
Reason ( R): Resistivity of an alloy is generally higher than that of its constituent metals but the alloy have lower melting point then their constituent metals.
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