A certain organ pipe resonates in its fundamental mode at a frequency of 500 Hz in air. What will be the fundamental frequency if the air is replaced by hydrogen at the same temperature? The density of air is 1.20kgm3 and that of hydrogen is 0.089kgm3.Solution in Gujrati

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Suppose the speed of sound in hydrogen in vh and that in aire is v_a.ThefundamentalequencyofanorganπpeisortioNAlthespeedofsoundthegascontaedit.Ifthefundamentalequencywithhydronthetubeisvwehave<br>v/(500Hz)=v_h/v_a=sqrt(rho_a/rho_h)=sqrt(1.2/0.089)=3.67<br>orv=3.67xx500Hz~~1840Hz.
