Which of the following gives the most accurate result for time measurement?
a) Wall clock
b) Digital watch
c) Quartz clock
d) Atomic clock
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Klet us consider the blockthe spring+the earth as the system. The system has gravitatioN/Al potential energy corresponding to the force between the block and the earth as well as the elastic potential energy corresponding to the sring force. The total mechanicla energy includes kinetic enegy, gravitatioN/Al potential energy and elastic potential energy.
When the block is in equilibrium it is acted upon by two forces, a. the force of gravity mg and b. the tension in the spring Tkx. where x is the elongation. For equilibrium, mg=kx, so that the spring is stretched by a length x=mgk.Thepotentialergyofthesprgthispositionis<br>1/2 k(mg/k)^2=(m^2g^2)/(2k)<br>TakethegravitatioNAlpotentialergybezerothisposition..Thetalmechaniclaergyofthesystemjustaftertheblowis<br>1/2 mv^2+(m^2g^2)/(2k)<br>TheonlyexterNAlforceonthissystemistˆduethegwhichdoesnowork.Hence,themechanicalergyothissystemremasconstant.Iftheblockdescendsthroughaheighthbeforecomingbecomes<br>1/2k9mg/k+h)^2andthegravitatioNAlpotentialergymgh.theketicergyiszeroisthisstate.Thuswehave<br>1/2mv^2+(m^2g^2)/(2k)=1/2k(mg/k+h)^2-mgh<br>Solvgthiswet,<br>h=vsqrt(m/k)
Compare this with the result obtained in example. If we neglect gravity and consider the length of the spring in equilibrium position as the N/Atural length, the answer is same. This simplication is often used while dealing with vertical springs.
