If ∣∣→a+→b∣∣=∣∣→a−→b∣∣ show that →a⊥→b.Solution in Gujrati
We have ∣∣→a+→b∣∣2=(→a+→b).(→a+→b)
If ∣∣→a+→b∣∣=∣∣→a−→b∣∣,
or, →a.→b=0
or, →a⊥→b.
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If →b≠0, then every vector →a can be written in a unique manner as the sum of a vector →ap parallel to →b and a vector →aq perpendicular to →b. If →a is parallel to →b then →aq=0 and →aq=→a. The vector →ap is called the projection of →a on →b and is denoted by proj →b(→a). Since proj→b(→a) is parallel to →b, it is a scalar multiple of the vector in the direction of →b i.e.,
proj →b(→a)=λ→U→b ⎛⎜⎝→U→b=→b∣∣→b∣∣⎞⎟⎠
The scalar λ is called the componennt of →a in the direction of →b and is denoted by comp →b(→a). In fact proj →b(→a)=(→a.→U→b)→U→b and comp →b(→a)=→a.→U→b.
If →a=−2ˆj+ˆj+ˆk and →b=4ˆi−3ˆj+ˆk then proj →b(→a) is
View SolutionIf →b≠0, then every vector →a can be written in a unique manner as the sum of a vector →ap parallel to →b and a vector →aq perpendicular to →b. If →a is parallel to →b then →aq=0 and →aq=→a. The vector →ap is called the projection of →a on →b and is denoted by proj →b(→a). Since proj→b(→a) is parallel to →b, it is a scalar multiple of the vector in the direction of →b i.e.,
proj →b(→a)=λ→U→b ⎛⎜⎝→U→b=→b∣∣→b∣∣⎞⎟⎠
The scalar λ is called the componennt of →a in the direction of →b and is denoted by comp →b(→a). In fact proj →b(→a)=(→a.→U→b)→U→b and comp →b(→a)=→a.→U→b.
If →a=−2ˆj+ˆj+ˆk and →b=4ˆi−3ˆj+ˆk and →a=→–––(p)+→aq then →aq is equal to
View Solutionयदि →A=4ˆi+nˆj−2ˆk और →B=2ˆi+3ˆj+ˆk, तो →A⊥→B के लिए n का मान ज्ञात कीजिए।
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View Solutionसदिशों →A,→B,→C की लंबाई क्रमशः 3,4,5 है यदि →A⊥(→B+→c),→B⊥(→C+→A) तथा →C⊥(→A+→B) हो तो →A+→B+→C की लंबाई ………….. होगी।
View SolutionIf →b≠0, then every vector →a can be written in a unique manner as the sum of a vector →ap parallel to →b and a vector →aq perpendicular to →b. If →a is parallel to →b then →aq=0 and →aq=→a. The vector →ap is called the projection of →a on →b and is denoted by proj →b(→a). Since proj→b(→a) is parallel to →b, it is a scalar multiple of the vector in the direction of →b i.e.,
proj →b(→a)=λ→U→b ⎛⎜⎝→U→b=→b∣∣→b∣∣⎞⎟⎠
The scalar λ is called the componennt of →a in the direction of →b and is denoted by comp →b(→a). In fact proj →b(→a)=(→a.→U→b)→U→b and comp →b(→a)=→a.→U→b.
If →a=−2ˆj+ˆj+ˆk and →b=4ˆi−3ˆj+ˆk then proj →b(→a) is
View SolutionIf →b≠0, then every vector →a can be written in a unique manner as the sum of a vector →ap parallel to →b and a vector →aq perpendicular to →b. If →a is parallel to →b then →aq=0 and →aq=→a. The vector →ap is called the projection of →a on →b and is denoted by proj →b(→a). Since proj→b(→a) is parallel to →b, it is a scalar multiple of the vector in the direction of →b i.e.,
proj →b(→a)=λ→U→b ⎛⎜⎝→U→b=→b∣∣→b∣∣⎞⎟⎠
The scalar λ is called the componennt of →a in the direction of →b and is denoted by comp →b(→a). In fact proj →b(→a)=(→a.→U→b)→U→b and comp →b(→a)=→a.→U→b.
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