Two closed vessels of equal volune contain air at 105kPa, 300K and are connected through a narrow tube. If one of the vessels is mow maintained at 300K and the other at 400K, what will be the pressure in the vessels?Solution in Gujrati

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Let the initial pressure, volume and temperature in each vessel be p0(=105kPa),V0andT0(=300K). Let the number of molesin each vessel be n. When the first vessel is maintained at temperature T0 and the other is maintained at T'=400K, the pressuress change, Let the common pressure become p' and the number of moles in the two wessels become n1 and n2. We have
p0V0=nRT0 ...(i)
p'V0=n1RT0 ...(ii)
p'V0=n2RT'...(iii)<br>andn_(1)+n_(2) =2_(n). ...(iv)<br>Pugn, n_(1) and n_(2)om(i),(ii)and(iii)(iv),<br>(p'V_(0))/(RT_(0))+(p'V_(0))/(RT')=2(p_(0)V_(0))/(RT_(0))<br>or,p'((T'+T_(0))/(T_(0)T'))=(2p_(0))/(T_(0)
or, p'=(2p_(0)T')/(T'+T_(0))<br>=(2xx105kPaxx400K)/(400K+300K)=120kPa.<br><imgaocr_imageloadg=lazysrc=;>


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