There is a society in Noida named Supertech capetown and there are nine families Z, X, C, V, B, N, M, L and K stay in an eleven-floor building, but not necessarily in the same order and two floor are still vacant till new family occupation. Only one family stays on one floor. Each of the family own different vehicles, i.e. Car, Bike, Bicycle, Truck, Bus, Tractor, Scooter, Bullet and Auto, but not necessarily in the same order. The ground floor is numbered 1, the floor above it is numbered 2, and so on, and the topmost floor is numbered 11.
L owns a Truck and stayed on an even numbered floor. Z stays on any odd-numbered floor below the floor on which L stays but not on floor number 1 and 3. The one who owns a Bullet stays on the fifth floor. B stays on the second floor and owns a Bicycle. The one who owns an Auto stays on the fourth floor. Z does not own a Tractor. There are three floors between the floors on which the families owning the Scooter and the Truck stay. C owns a Bike. There are four floors between the floors on which C and M stay. V stays on a floor immediately above K's floor. There are two floors between the floors on which N and M stay. N does not own the Auto. The one who owns the Car vehicle stays on the topmost floor. N does not stay on the ground floor. There are four floors between the vacant floors. There is only one floor between the floors on which N and Z stay which is vacant.
Who stays on the floor which is between the floor on which L stays and the floor on which Z stays?
The correct Answer is:D
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