There are eight family members i.e. A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H, all of them are arranged alphabetically from top to bottom and they are going for a trip in Jaipur. Where they stay in a hotel which has different room number viz. 101, 109, 202, 206,208, 301, 305 and 307. Only one person lives in each room, but not necessary in the same order. They also like different colours viz. Green, Grey, Red, Yellow, Blue, Black, Purple and Pink, but not necessary in the same order. Their birth year is also different viz. 1971, 1979, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1998, 2000 and 2007, but not necessary in the same order.
C born in 2000 and stayed in room no. 208. Two persons stay between C and the person who stay on room no. 307, who likes Grey colour. E born in odd year but not on 1979 and he is elder than C. There are four persons between the one who like Blue colour and G. G does not like Green and Purple colour. The one, who's age is 28yr less than H's age, stay on room no 202 and like black colour. (Neither Finor G born on 1979. Difference between B's room no. and G's room no. is 200. Persons born in odd year likes Green and Purple colour in increasing order of the years except A. E and H lives in odd no room. F is stwoyears older than D. Neither C nor D likes black colour. Person who born in 1998 likes Yellow colour. D does not born in 1990.
In which of the following room number does G stays?
Either (a) or (b)
The correct Answer is:D
Step - 1: - Eigher members i.e., A ,B,C,D,E,F,G and H , all of them are arranged alphabetically from top to bottom C born in 2000 and stayed in room no 208. Two person between C and the person who stays on room no.307 who likes Grey colour . There are four persons between the one who like Blue colour and G G does not like Green and Purple colour . Neither Fnor G was born or 1979. Neither C nor D likes black colour .
Step -2:- The one who.s age is 28yrs less than H.s age stay on room no 202 and like black colour . Difference between B.s room and G.s roon no is 200 . Person bron in odd year likes Green and Purple colour in increasing order of the years except A. E and H lives in odd no room. F is two years older than D . Person who born in 1998 likes yellow colour . E is elder than C . D does not born in 1990.
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