Eight persons live in a building of four floors such that ground floor is numbered 1 and floor above it is 2 and so on up to 4th floor. Each of the floor consist of 2 flats as flat1, which is in west of flat-2. Flat-1 of floor-2 is immediately above flat-1 of floor-1 and immediately below flat-1 of floor-3 and in the same way flat-2 of each floor follow same pattern. P lives on an even numbered floor. S lives just below the P's flat. There is two floors gap between R and S. T lives just above the N's floor. N lives in the northeast of S. Both Q and T lives on the same floor. M lives above the O's floor but not in the same flat numbered. Q does not live in the north of O.
Year: 2020 RBI Assistant Mains
Who among the following lives in south-east of M?
The correct Answer is:D
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