Seven persons were born in seven different years. Their ages are calculated with respect to 2019. None of them was born before 1965. They belong to different professions such as Manager, HR, Artist, Doctor, Teacher -Engineer, and Pilot but not necessarily in the same order.
Note all the persons were born on the same date and same month
Nisha was 38 years old. No one was born between Nisha and the one who is Pilot. Three persons were born between the one who is Pilot and Aditi, who is the oldest among all and born before 1970 but in the evennumbered year. No one was born between Aditi and the one who is a Manager. Dheeraj was born before Nisha but not just before. There is 4 years difference between Aditi and Dheeraj. The difference between the age of Dheeraj and Kamal is the same as between Nisha and Swati. Pranav was born before Pooja and after Swati. Swati is 11 years older than Pranav. Pranav was born in 1998. The difference between the ages of Kamal and Pranav is not more than 20 years. The one who is a Teacher was born just before HR. Pooja is not an HR. There is 7 years of difference between the one who is Doctor and Engineer. No one was born between Pilot and Doctor.
How many persons were born between the one who is Artist and Doctor?








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