Eight persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W are going for vacation in different months January, March, April, May, June, July, August and September. Also, each of them going to different countries Austria, Vietnam, Greece, South Africa, Australia, Philippines, Spain, Jordan. Also, each of them has taken flight scheduled on different timings in a day. There is a gap of either 1 hour or 1:30 hours between two consecutive flights. P goes in the month of March. The first flight is scheduled on 8:30am for Spain. The last flight is scheduled at 6:00pm. There is a gap of 5 hours between the flight which is scheduled for Spain and the flight of V. Only three flights are scheduled after V's flight. S's flight is scheduled immediately before U's flight and also, he goes in a month immediately before U. The one whose flight is scheduled on 11:00 am goes in the month of September. U's flight is scheduled before V but not immediately before. S goes to South Africa. There is a gap of 1:30 hour between Q, who goes to Spain and S's flight. T's flight is scheduled before R but after P's flight R's flight is not scheduled on 6:00pm. W goes to Jordan in the month of April. The one who goes in January goes to Austria and goes immediately before the one who goes to Greece. V goes in the month of June. R goes in a month between the months in which V and W goes. The one who goes in the month of September goes to Vietnam. Q goes in one of the months before S. The flight to Austria is scheduled immediately before the flight to Philippines. P's flight is scheduled on 12:30pm.
Which of the following flight is scheduled at 6:00pm?
U's flight
T's flight
Q's flight
W's flight
The correct Answer is:D
The first flight is scheduled on 8:30am for Spain. The last flight is scheduled on 6:00pm. There is a gap of 5 hours between the flight which is scheduled for Spain and the flight of V. Only three flights are scheduled after V.s flight. S goes to South Africa. There is a gap of 1:30 hour between who goes to Spain and S.s flight. P.s flight is scheduled on 12:30pm. T.s flight is scheduled before R but after P.s flight. R.s flight is not scheduled on 6:00pm. U.s flight is scheduled before V but not immediately before. W goes to Jordan in the month of April. V goes in the month of June. P goes in the month of March. The one whose flight is scheduled on 11.00 am goes in the month of September. R goes in a month between the month.s in which V and W goes.
The one who goes in the month of September goes to Vietnam. The one who goes in January goes to Austria and goes immediately before the one who goes to Greece. The flight to Australia is scheduled immediately before the flight to Philippines.
S.s flight is scheduled immediately before U.s flight and also, he goes in a month immediately before U. Q goes in one of the months before S. So, the final arrangement is .

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