Ten persons i.e. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J are living in five story building but not necessarily in the same order. Ground floor is as 1st floor, just above the floor is as 2nd floor and so on until the topmost floor is as 5th floor. At least one person lives on single floor but not more than three.
B lives only with E on an even number floor. There are two floors gap between H and A, who does not live adjacent floor of B. D lives with A on the same floor but not an odd number floor. Both C and F live on the same floor. I does not live on an even number floor. More than two floors gap between I and C. H lives one of the floors below F. J lives just above the floor of G.
Which of the following combination is true as per the given information?
5th floor-H
3rd floor - G
2nd floor - A
None is true
The correct Answer is:B
From the given statements, B lives only with E on an even number floor. Here we get two possibilities i.e. Case 1 and Case 2. There are two floors gap between Hand A, who does not lives adjacent floor/ of B. D lives with A on the same floor but not an odd number floor.
From the given statements, I does not live on an even number floor. More than two floors gap between I and C. Both C and F live on the same floor. Here we have two more possibilities i.e. Case la and Case 2a.
From the given statement , H lives one of the below floor of F . Now, Case 1 , Case 2 and Case 1a are elimintated . J lives just above the floor of G .
Final arrangment is flowing as -

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