Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below U, V, W, S, Y, J, X, and Z are seated around a circular table. Among them only 5 are facing to the centre and rest are facing opposite to the centre. They have decided to go for a vacations in different locations Manali, Jaipur, Udaipur, Ajmer, Shimla, Nainital, Bandra, and Pune (not necessarily in the same order). Alsøthey are ol different ages 17, 18, 35, 36, 27,23,41, and 38(mornecessarily in the same order).
J is going to Pune and X is not going to Nainital. W's age is 1 year less than the double of the age of V. Z doesn't sit opposite to U: Y is going to Manali and sits 2nd to the right of U, who is going to Udaipur. W is going to Shimla and sits immediate left of Y. Z is not an immediate neighbour of U and S is not an immediate neighbour of U. V sits 2nd to left of W. U's age is 1 year less than the half of the age of S. The one, who is going to Ajmer, sits third to the right of J. The one who is going to Jaipur is not just near to J. U and the one who is going to Manali face opposite direction of each other. Z, whose age is an even number and V face the same direction as J faces. More than four persons are younger than X. J sits opposite to Y. W and J face same direction with respect to each other. The one who is going to Shimla is 4th oldest. The one who is going to Manali, his age is a multiplication of 3 but he is not 3rd oldest.
W faces in which direction?
Outside the centre
Inside the centre
Same as V faces
Both (b) and (c)
The correct Answer is:D
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