Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: Six persons are sitting in a row. Some of them are facing North and Some are facing South. They are of different ages. Person whose age is even numbered doesn't sit to the immediate right of the person whose age is even numbered.
Two persons sit between P and T and one of them sits at extreme end. Three persons are sitting between the persons whose age is 14 and 42. Person whose age is 15 sits 2nd to the left of T. There are as many persons sit between T and person whose age is 15 as between the persons whose ages are 15 and 28. Q sits to the immediate right of the person whose age is 15. One person sits between S and U and neither of them sits at extreme end. Q is older than R. T whose age is even numbered is older than U who faces North Person whose age is 20 sits 3rd to the left of the person whose age is 19.
What is the position of Q with respect to the 2nd youngest person?
2nd to the right
Immediate left
Immediate right
2nd to the left
The correct Answer is:C
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