Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. There are eight members i.e. A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a square table such that four of them likes flowers i.e. Lily, Rose, orchid and Sunflower and four of them likes fruits i.e. Mango, Kiwi, Apple, Banana but not necessarily in the same order. Those who likes Fruits sits at the corner and those who like flower sits at the middle of the table. Some of them face inside and some of them face outside. The one who like sunflower sits third to the right of B.G sits second to the left of the one who likes sunflower. G is not the immediate neighbour of B. The one who likes Banana is an immediate neighbour of G. Three person sits between the one who like Banana and the one who likes Kiwi. B does not like Kiwi. E likes orchid. E faces the one who likes Lily. The one who likes Apple sits on the immediate left of the one who likes Rose. A sit second to right of the one who likes Apple. E sits second to the right of F. D sits third to the right of Cand does not like flower. B and D faces same direction. A and H faces opposite direction. A and B face opposite direction. H does not face Inside.
How many persons faces inside?
The correct Answer is:C
The one who like sunflower sits third to the right of B. G sits second to the left of the one who likes sunflower. G is not the immediate neighbour of B. The one who likes Banana is an immediate neighbour of G. Three person sits between the one who likes Banana and the one who likes Kiwi. B does not like Kiwi.
E likes orchid. E faces the one who likes Lily. The one who likes Apple sits on the immediate left of the one who likes Rose. A sit second to right of the one who likes Apple. E sits second to the right of F.
D sits third to the right of C and does not like flower. B and D faces same direction. A and H faces opposite direction. A and B face opposite direction.
H does not face Inside. So, case 1 will be eliminated. Hence the final arrangement is:

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(स) एस्केरिएसिस (द) निमोनिया
(इ) एड्स।
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