Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: Six Cars i.e. A, B, C, D, E, F are standing in a in a row facing north at a distance which is a successive multiple of 7m in an increasing order from the left. Car F is second to the right of Car C only two Car stands in between Car B and Car E. Car F and Car D are Standing next to each other. The total distance between Car E and D is 49m. Distance between car. E and C is more than 20 m. Distance between A and C is more than 21m. Now Car B starts moving towards north direction after moving 20m its' takes a right turn and stops at point T after moving 40m. Car C starts moving in south direction and after going 8m it turns left and move 59m and stops there at point H. Car D starts moving in north direction and after moving 10m it takes a left turn and moves 14m then it again takes a left turn and moves 20m and stops at point V.
In which direction and at what distance is point V with respect to Car C's final position?
30m southeast
20m, North
2m, Southeast
None of these
The correct Answer is:D
Car F is second to the right of Car C. Only two Car stands in between Car B and Car E. Car F and Car Dare Standing next to each other arrangement will be final as
Now, the total distance between Car E and D is 49m. Distance between A and C is more than 21m. Distance between car E and Cis more than 20 m.
Now Car B starts moving towards north direction after moving 20m its takes a right turn and stops at point T after moving 40m. Car C starts moving in south direction and after going 8m it turns left and move 59m and stops there at point H. Car D starts moving in north direction and after moving 10m it takes a left turn and moves 14m then it again takes a left turn and moves 20m and stops at point V.

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