Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: A certain number of persons sit in a row adjacent to each other. Some of them like fruits and others like flowers. The one who likes fruits face south direction and the one who likes flowers face north direction. V like apple and sits exactly between L and Q. As many- persons sit between A and V as between M and S who likes guava. Only five persons sit between Q and R who likes Mango. As many persons sit between V and R as between F and V. M sits third to left of R and like rose. There are two persons sit between N and the one who likes kiwi. A sit fourth to the right of F and likes orange. Only four persons sit to the right of M. Only seven persons sit between L and the one who likes Mango. L likes lily. F likes Tulip. Only six persons sit between A and N who likes marigold. Only four person sits to the right of A.
What is the difference between the number of persons sit to the left of Q and to the right of Q?
The correct Answer is:D
Only five persons sit between Q and R who likes Mango. Msits third to left of Rand like rose. Only four persons sit to the right of M. Only seven persons sit between L and the one who likes Mango. L likes lily. V like apple and sits exactly between L and Q. As many persons sit between V and R as between F and V.
F likes Tulip. A sits fourth to the right of F and likes orange. Only six persons sit between A and N who likes marigold. Only four person sits to the right of A. By this Case-1 will be cancelled. There are two persons sit between N and the one who likes kiwi. As many persons sit between A and V as between M and S who likes guava.

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