Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. Six Buses i.e. P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 are standing in Bus depot in a row facing north at a distance which is a successive multiple of 4m in an increasing order from the left. Bus P6 is second to the right of Bus P3. The total distance between Bus P5 and P4 is 52m. Only one Bus stands in between Bus P2 and Bus P5. Bus P6 and Bus P4 are Standing next to each other. Bus P1 and Bus P6 are not standing next to Bus P2.
Now Bus P3 starts moving towards north direction after moving 20m its takes a right turn and stops at point TEE after moving 32m. Bus P2 starts moving in test direction and after going 8m it turns left and move Tom and then again turn left and move 56m and stops there at point H. Bus P4 starts moving in north direction and after moving 10m it takes a left turn and moves 14m then it again takes a left turn and moves 20m and stops at point V.
In which direction is point T with respect to point V?
Northwest Directions
The correct Answer is:D
By using Bus P6 is second to the right of Bus P3. Bus P6 and Bus P4 are Standing next to each other. Only one Bus stands in between Bus P2 and Bus P5. Bus P1 and Bus P6 are not standing next to Bus P2 arrangement will be final as
Now, the total distance between Bus P5 and P4 is 52m. As distance is in multiple of 4 so all distances are:
Now Bus P3 starts moving towards north direction after moving 20m its takes a right turn and stops at point T after moving 32m. Bus P2 starts moving in west direction and after going 8m it turns left and move 10m and then again turn left and move 56m and stops there at point H. Bus P4 starts moving in north direction and after moving, 10m it takes a left turn and moves 14m then it again takes a left turn and moves 20m and stops at point

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