Study the following information carefully to answer the given question. There are eight shopkeepers i.e. P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W sitting in a row such that some of them are facing south and some of them facing north bụt not necessarily in the same order. They all have different number of pens with them. The immediate neighbour W faces opposite direction (i.e. if one faces south then other face in the north and vice versa). P has 3 less pens than U. R has 5 pens less than V. T sits fourth to the right of P and both faces opposite direction and one of them sits at the end of the row. W has odd number of pens which is a perfect square less than 85 and more than 27. Only two shopkeeper sits between W and the one who has 20 less pens than W. There are only two shopkeeper sits between the one who has 11 pens more than P and R.R does not have 49 pens with him. T does not sit at the end of the row. W sits on immediate right of T. The one who has 49 pens sits second to the left of W. U sits second to the left of T and has 64 pens with him. S faces opposite direction of Q. Those who sits at the end of the row faces opposite direction. R sits second to the right of V and both faces same direction. S is not the immediate neighbour W and does not face north direction. T has 10 less pens than P. V has 41 pens with him.
How many persons faces south direction?
Can't be determined
The correct Answer is:D
Using the given conditions. Is right of P and both faces opposite direction and one of them sits at the end of the row. T does not sit at the end of the row. W sits on immediate right of T. The immediate neighbour W faces opposite direction (i.e. if one faces south then other face in the north and vice versa). So, there will be two possible cases,
Step 2: As per the given conditions, the one who has 49 pens sits second to the left of W and W has odd number of pens which is a perfect square less than 85 and more than 27. So, W has 81 pens with him and those who sits at the end of the row faces opposite direction. U sits second to the left of T and has 64 pens with him. So, there will be four cases,
Step 3: Now, P has 3.less pens than U so P has 61 pens with him. R sits second to the right of V and both faces same direction. R does not have 49 pens with him. So, from the given conditions case 1b and case 2a will be eliminated.
Step 4: From the rest of the conditions, S faces opposite direction of Q. S is not the immediate neighbour Wand does not face north direction. So, case 2b will be eliminated. T has 10 less pens than P. There are only two shopkeeper sits between the one who has 11 pens more than P and R. So, Q has 72 pens with him. V has 41 pens with him. R has 5 pens less than V. Hence, we get our final answer is:
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