Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: Eight persons are sitting around a circular table facing towards the center. Each of them has different salaries i.e. 10k, 12k, 14k, 16k, 17k, 19k, 22k and 25k but not necessarily in the same order.
Difference between the salaries of Q and X is 1k and both of them are immediate neighbours of each other, X earns less than Q. Y sits third to the left of Q and has a salary more than only O. Two persons sit between Y and P who has a salary divisible by 11. W faces X and has salary more than P. R sits third to the right of Z whose salary is a prime number. O sits to the immediate right of Y.
Who among the following has the highest salary?
The correct Answer is:A
From the given statements, Difference between the salaries of Q and X is 1k and both of them are immediate neighbours of each other. X eam.s less than Q which means X earns 16k and Q earns 17k. Y sits third to the left of Q and has a salary more than only o which means Y.s salary is 12k and O.s salary is 10k. Two persons sit between Y and P who has a salary divisible by 11 which means P.s salary is 22k . O sits to the immediate right Y. So we have two possible cases :
W faces X and has salary more than P which means W.s salary is 25 k. So, case -2 is eliminated. T sits third to the right of Z whose salary is prime number which means Z. salary is 19 k . Hence, final arrangement is

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