Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below: Eight players A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in a row and all of them face north direction, but not necessarily in same order. All of them make different runs in a cricket match viz. 13, 17, 22, 26, 31, 40, 42 and 48, but not necessarily in the same order. D sits fifth to the right of the one who makes 31 runs. The one who makes 31 runs does not sit at any extreme ends. There are two players sit between the one who makes 31 runs and F. The one who makes 17 runs sits second to the left of G, who is not an immediate neighbour of D.G does not make 31 runs. Difference between the runs of the immediate neighbours of G is 9. The one who makes 22 runs is not an immediate neighbour of F. There are two players sit between A and the one who makes 22 runs. Neither F nor G makes 22 runs. The runs made by C and the runs made by H both are more than the runs made by A. C is not an immediate neighbour of D. Only one player sits between B and the one who makes 42 runs. More than one player sits between B and the one who makes 13 runs.
How many players sit to the right of the one who makes 13 runs?
No one
The correct Answer is:C
D sits fifth to the right of the one who makes 31 runs. The one who makes 31 runs does not sit at any extreme ends. There are two players sit between the one who makes 31 runs and F. The one who makes 17 runs sits second to the left of G, who is not an immediate neighbour of D. G does not make 31 runs. From these conditions we have two possible cases
Difference between the runs of the immediate neighbours of G is 9. The one who makes 22 runs is not an immediate neighbour of F. So, by these conditions it is clear that only one possibility left that the one who makes 40 runs is an immediate neighbour of G. There are two players sit between A and the one who makes 22 runs. Neither Fnor G makes 22 runs. So new arrangement will be
The liuns made by and the runs made by H both are more than the runs made by A. C is not an immediate neighbour of D. So, by these conditions case- 1 is cancelled. Only one player sits between B and the one who makes 42 runs. More than one player sits between B and the one who makes 13 runs. So final arrangement will be

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