Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: Eight persons i.e. G, H, I, J, K, L, M and N are sitting around two inscribed square table in such a way that four persons sit at middle of the sides of each inner and outer square. Persons sitting at inner square and the persons sitting at outer square face to each other. J sits to the immediate right of the person who faces L. L, is an immediate neighbour of K, who doesn't face J. M faces the person who sits to the immediate left of K. G'is neither an immediate neighbour of J nor L. H sits to the immediate right of the person who faces G. N doesn't face G and is not an immediate neighbour of G-I-faces outside.
Who among the following facesil ?
The correct Answer is:C
From the given statements, Jsits to the immediate right of the person who faces L. Here we get two possibilities i.e. Case 1 and Case 2. L is an immediate neighbour of K who doesn.t face J. M faces the person who sits to the immediate Ieft of K.
From the given statements, Ģ is neither an immediate neighbour of J nor L. H sits to the immediate right of the person who faces G. N doesn.t face G and is not an immediate neighbour of G. I faces outside. Here, Case 2 is ruled out.
So, final arrangement will be: -

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