Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: Eight students i.e. P, Q, R, S, J, K, L and M of different classes sit in a square table but not necessarily in same order. Four students sit at corrier and four sits at middle of the side of the square. Students sit at corner face outside and students sit at middle of the side face towards center. There are three students sit between L and class 5 student. Class 6 student sits 2nd to the right of class 7 student. Class 5 student sits to the immediate left of P.Q sits 3rd to the left of L. Class 7 student is an immediate neighbour of Q. Rwho is in class 8, sits 3rd to the right of Q. S sits to the immediate right of J who is in class 9. Students of class 11 and 12 sits opposite to each other. Student of class 10 sits 2nd to the right of class 11 student. K who faces outside is not an immediate neighbour of Q.
Who among the following sits to the immediate left of M?
The correct Answer is:A
From the given statements, there are three students sit between L and class 5 student. Here, we get two possibilities i.e. Case 1 and Case 2. Class 5 student sits to the immediate left of P.Q sits 3rd to the left of L. Class 7 student is an immediate neighbour of Q. Class 6 student sits 2nd to the right of class 7 student
From the given statements, R who is in class 8, sits 3rd to the right of Q. S sits immediate right of J who is in class |9. Students of class 11 and 12 sits opposite to each other. Student of class to sits 2nd to the right of class 11 student. Kwho faces outside is not an immediate neighbour of Q. Here, Case 2 is ruled out.
So, final arrangement will be: -

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