Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: Eight persons i.e. D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K are sitting around a circular table but not necessarily in same order.
All are facing towards the center. They like to vote to different parties i.e. BJP, Congress NCP, SF, BSP, TDP, PDP and Shiv Sena in the election but not necessarily in same order. There are two persons sit between D and the person who likes to vote to NCP. The persons who like to vote BJP and Congress are immediate neighbours of each other. H sits 2nd to the right of J who doesn't like to vote to BJP. F sits opposite to K who doesn't like to vote to NCP. E who doesn't like to vote to NCP, faces the person who sits immediate left of D. G sits 3rd to the left of I and both neither like to vote to Congress nor to BJP. The person who likes to vote to SF sits opposite to the person who sits to the immediate left of F. The person who likes to vote to PDP sits to the immediate right of the person who likes to vote to TDP. The person who likes to vote to Shiv Sena sits 3rd to the left of the person who likes to vote to TDP. The persons who like to vote to BJP and Congress are neither immediate neighbours of D nor G.
Who among the following persons likes to vote to BSP ?
The correct Answer is:D
From the given statements, there are two persons sit between D and the person who likes to vote to NCP. E who doesn.t like to vote to NCP, faces the person who sits to the immediate left of D. F sits opposite to K who doesn.t like to vote, to NCP. The person who likes to vote to SP sits opposite to the person who sits to the immediate left of F. Here, we get two possibilities i.e. Case 1 and Case 2.
From the given statements, G sits 3rd to the left of I and both neither like to vote to Congress nor to BJP. H sits 2nd to the right of J who doesn.t like to vote to BJP. The persons who like to vote BJP and Congress are immediate neighbours of each other. The persons who like to vote to BJP and Congress are neither immediate neighbours of D nor G. Here, Case 1 is ruled out. The person who likes to vote to PDP sits immediate right of the person who likes to vote to TDP The person a who. likes to vote to Shiv Sena sits 3rd to the left of the person who likes to vote to TDP. So, final arrangement will be

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