Study the information carefully and answer the questions given below. Eight persons are sitting around a square table such that four of them sit at the corners and rest on the middle of the side. The persons sitting on the corners face opposite direction to that of the ones sitting on the middle of the side. The one sitting to the immediate left of D does not face outside. E and B are immediate left to each other. C faces A. F and D are immediate neighbors of each other. The one sitting 5th to the right of the one who is 3rd to the left of A does not sit at the corner. G sits 3rd to the right of A. H sits opposite to E.
What is the position of C with respect to D?
3rd to the left
3rd to the right
to the left
5th to the right
The correct Answer is:B
From the given statements, the persons sitting on the corners face opposite direction to that of the ones sitting on the middle of the side. C faces A. G sits 3rd to the right of A. Here, we get two possibilities i.e. case-1 and case-2
From the given statements, the one sitting 5th to the right of the one who is 3rd to the left of A does not sit at the corner. So, case2 gets eliminated. H sits opposite to E. E and B are immediate left to each other. F and D are immediate neighbors of each other.
From the given statements, the one sitting to the immediate left of D does not face outside. So, the final arrangement will be: -

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