Study the following information carefully and answer the given question.
There are seven students - M, N, O, P, Q, R and S- who like different subjects viz- Hindi, English, Math, Science, Physics, Chemistry and Biology but not necessarily in the same order. They read on different days of the week starting from Monday. They also like different sports, viz- Hockey, Cricket, Football, Tennis, Badminton, Baseball and Kho-Kho but not necessarily in the same order.
N, who likes Baseball, reads on the fourth day of the week but neither Hindi nor Biology. Two students read between the days on which N and R read and neither of them read on the 1st day of the week. There is only one student who reads between M and O. But O does not read either on 1st or 3rd day of the week. O likes Cricket sport and reads Hindi. The one who reads Math on the last day of the week likes Football sport. P does not read on the day either immediately before or immediately after the day on which M read, who doesn't like Badminton, Hockey and Tennis sport. P does not read science. S reads immediately after O and he likes Hockey sport. Q does not like Badminton sport and reads Chemistry. M does not read Physics and Science. The one who reads English takes class immediately after the day when Hindi has been read.
Which of the following combinations is definitely false?


O- Cricket - Hindi


M - Kho-Kho - Biology


Q-Tennis -Chemistry


R- Cricket - Hindi

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The correct Answer is:D



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