Nine teachers - P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, and X live on separate floors of a 9-floor building. Ground floor is numbered 1, first floor is numbered 2 and so on until the topmost floor is numbered 9. Each one of these teach different subjects viz. Computer, Economics, Commerce, Accounts, Biology, English, Physics, Art, and Music but not necessarily in the same order. Only five teachers live above the floors on which P lives. Only one teacher lives between P and the one who teaches English. U lives immediately. below the one who teaches Economics. The one who teaches Economics lives on an even numbered floor. Only three teachers live between the one who teaches English and the one who teaches Commerce. T lives immediately above R. T does not teach Commerce. Only two teachers live between Q and the one who teaches Biology. The one who teaches Biology live below the floor on which Q lives. W teaches Art and lives on floor no. 8. The one who teaches Computer does not live immediately above or immediately below Q. S does not live immediately above or immediately below P. X teaches Music and lives immediately above W. V does not teach Accounts.
How many teacher/teachers live between the floors on which S and the one who teaches English?
More than three
The correct Answer is:D
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