There are seven persons, namely P, Q, R, S, T, U and V. They go to gym by different car namely Audi, Toyota, Tata, Ford, Nissan, Hyundai and Fiat, but not necessarily in the same order, starting from Monday to Sunday (of the same week). T goes to gym on Thursday. Only one person goes to gym between T and the one who goes to gym by Nissan car. P goes to gym immediately after the one who goes to gym by Nissan car. Only three people go to gym between P and the one who goes to gym by Tata car. Only two people go to gym between the one who goes to gym by Tata car and U. The person, who goes to gym by Fiat car, goes to gym before U, but after Thursday. More than two people go to gym between the one who goes to gym by Fiat car and R. The one who goes to gym by Audi car goes to gym immediately before the one who goes to gym by Hyundai car. The one who goes to gym by Ford car goes to gym immediately before Q. V does not go to gym on Tuesday.
T has which of the following car?
The correct Answer is:D
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